Agape Love

What is Love?

Love is the emotion felt and actions performed by someone concerned for the well-being of another person.

Love can involve personal affection, compassion, sexual attraction, admiration, care, self-sacrifice, brotherly loyalty, benevolent concern, or worshipful adoration.

There are several kinds of love mentioned in the Bible. 

The Greek language has three words for love: agape, phileo, and eros.
Eros is the word for sensual or romantic love.
Eros is not confused with the other two because it refers to sexual love or lust. 
The Hebrew word yada and the Greek word Eros are the words used to indicate sexual love. 

Phileo/Philia means brotherly love or friendship.

The Scriptural account of David and Jonathan is an excellent illustration of phileo love 1 Samuel 18:1-3

Agape is a kind of love God demonstrates toward His elect. 
God loves without placing any conditions on the loved one.
If God’s love were conditional, then we would have to do something to earn or merit it.

What Is Agape Love in the Bible?

It is very easy to love someone who is loving you, but it is most difficult to love someone who is betraying you.
Judas even betrayed Jesus with a kiss.  When Jesus needed His disciples the most as He was in the garden praying, they fell asleep.  
Peter, one of the closest to Him, denied he even knew Him.

One act of agape love can change the world

Jesus showed us that this love is to be used to overcome especially when things are difficult.

He didn’t say, “Feel loving toward one another.” He said, Love one another.” 
He commanded an action, not a feeling. 

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.


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